Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Seven Reason why your fruit trees could not produce fruit

A fruit tree is a tree which bears fruit that is consumed or used by humans and some animals — all trees that are flowering plants produce fruit, which are the ripened ovaries of flowers containing one or more seeds. In horticultural usage, the term 'fruit tree' is limited to those that provide fruit for human food. Some time there are few reasons when the fruit trees could not produce fruits . Today we will discuss seven major reason that fruit tree could not produce fruits these are as follow:-

1. Trees may not be old enough to flower.

2. Attack of pest and disease.

Attack of pest and disease makes the plant weak or may even affect further cycle. Most pest feed as flower and destroy the fruit set cycle. Disease makes the pollen grain inactive which will not set fruit after fertilization also.

3.Trees may be old enough.

An Old trees couldn't perform activity properly. Vascular bundle (xylem + phloem) could not work well due to which tree couldn't bear flowers. If trees are unable to bears flowers then there is no fruit set so this reason if old trees do not produce flower and fruit. 

4.Due to alternate bearing / biennial bearing .

Alternate bearing is the capacity of tree to produce more fruits more than average in one year and produce lower than average fruits in the following year.

This problem is mostly seen in mango Alternate bearing variety of mango are :- 
  1. Amrapalli
  2. mallika
  3. Arka aruna
  4. Arka puneet
  5. Sindhu 
  6. Ratna 
Cause of alternate bearing :-
Where trees flowers or set fruits heavily the content of gibberellin hormone is produced in large amount by trees which leads to imbalance in carbon/nitrogen ratio. Even during vigorous vegetative growth gibberelline hormone is produce i large amount by plant.

5. Use of excess of fertilizer or lack of appropriate amount of fertilizer to plants.

6 Signs You Are Over Fertilizing Your Plants | Jain Irrigation USA
Use of excess fertilizer may imbalance the pH of soil and even create high salt concentration over fertilization can lead to sudden plant growth with an insufficient root system to supply adequate water and nutrients to the plant.
In lack of fertilizer plants need to struggle of the plant and roots, amount of seeds, seed pods, leaves, flower buds, and flowers will not develop well.

6. Adverse climatic conditions.

In adverse climatic condition pollinating agent are not active. For example:- bumble bee comes out and help in the pollination where temperature  is more than 8'C . In case the temperature is below 8'C bumble bee stay in their hive. In the same way honey bee come out and helps in pollination when temperature is 12'C . Below 12'C temperature is not suitable for honey bee to survive. In this way temperature helps in pollination and heavy rainfall is also not good for pollination. Rainfall wash way the pollen grain which is result the less production of fruits.


7. Two different cultivar of same species should be planted in orchard for successful pollination.

Two different cultivar of same species shows be planted in same orchard. Distance between different cultivar of same species should not bee more 300m  for good pollination.

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