Monday, September 7, 2020

Some major pest of paddy

 There are several pest which can destroy whole paddy fields and paddy plant in any stage plants growth.

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰To increase the production of paddy planted in your field. Read this blog recognise the pest and remove them  from your paddy field. Get right knowledge and management regarding paddy fields.πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸŒΎπŸŒΎπŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜

Some important pest of paddy fields

1. Brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens)

2. White back plant hopper (sogatella furcifera)

3. Rice earhead bug (leptocorisa acuta)

4. Rice stem borar (Sciropophaga Incertulas)

5. Leaf folder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis)

6. Rice green leaf hopper (Nephotettix cincticeps)

7. Grasshopper (Caelifera)

1. Brown plant hopper

           Brown plant hopper  feeds on rice plants. These insects are among the most important pests of rice, which is the major staple crop for about half the world's population. 


Cultural practices:

  • Avoid use of excess nitrogen.
  • Monitoring of BPH at base of the plant 30 days after transplanting at weekly interval.
  • Resistant varieties IET-7575 and IET-8116.
  • Alternate wetting and drying the field during peak infestation.
  • Apply recommended dose of nitrogen fertilizer.
  • Apply intermittent (weekly) irrigation to reduce the BPH population.
  • Avoid Closed canopy of the rice plants, densely seeded crops.

Biological control:

    • Wolf Spider Pardosa psuedoannulata and Lynx spider Oxyopes javanus prey on  leaf-and plant hoppers.
    • Mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis  Reuter prey on eggs and small nymphs of GLH,BPH and WBPH.

      Chemical control:

      • Spray monocrtophos 35 EC @ 2ml/l (624ml/acre) at nursery stage.
      • Application of granular phorate 10G@ 4kg/acre or carbofuran 3G@ 10kg/acre insecticides in presence of thin film of water. or
      • Spray imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.5ml (125ml/acre) or thiomethaxm 25WG @ 0.5g (125kg/acre) or phaslone 35 EC @ 2ml/l (800ml/acre) water or quinolphos 5G @ 12kg/acre.

      2. White back plant hopper

           Adult: Tiny, straw coloured, wedge shaped insects with white stripe on their back.   Suck the sap and cause stunted growth , caused in irregular patches.



      Cultural practices:

      • Avoid use of excess nitrogen.
      • Monitoring of WBPH at base of the plant 30 days after transplanting at weekly interval
      • Alternate wetting and drying the field during peak infestation.
      • Apply recommended dose of nitrogenous fertilizers.

      Biological control:

      • Mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter prey on eggs and small nymphs of WBPH
      • Spider (Paradosa, Tetragnatha, Argiope, Araenus, Oxypes)feed on  leaf-and plant hoppers.
      • Damsel flies, Dragon flies prey on hoppers and moths.

      Chemical control:
      • Spray monocrtophos 35 EC @ 2ml/l (624ml/acre) at nursery stage.
      • Application of granular phorate 10G@ 4kg/acre or carbofuran 3G@ 10kg/acre insecticides in presence of thin film of water or
      • Spray imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.5ml (125ml/acre) or thiomethaxm 25WG @ 0.5g (125kg/acre) or phaslone 35 EC @ 2ml/l (800ml/acre) water or quinolphos 5G @ 12kg/acre

      3. Rice earhead bug 

                   Sucking the sap from individual grains, which are in milky stage. Individual grains become chaffy.Both adults and nymphs do the damage .


      • Cultural method; removal of alternate hosts such as grasses on bunds, early planting, and the use of late-maturing cultivars.
      • Netting and handpicking the bugs reduce their numbers.
      • Putting attractants such as arasan or anything with an odor like dead snails or rats can easily capture rice bugs in the field.
      • Keep the field and bunds free of weeds and grasses.

      Chemical Methods:

      • ETL : 5 bugs/100 ear heads at flowering and 16 bugs/100 ear heads from milky stage to grain maturity.
      • Spray any one of the following twice
      • Fenthion 100 EC @ 500 ml/ha (or) Malathion 50 EC @ 500 ml/ha.
      • Apply insecticides at 25 kg/ha twice, the first during flowering and second a week later. 

      Rest of remaining pest will be discussed in upcoming blog

      You must visitπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Fungal disease of paddy,

      Let's know bacterial and viral disease of riceπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

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