Sunday, February 28, 2021

crossing on rose


        Crossing is the process of developing new variety  by collecting pollen from one rose and distributing it into different rose.   

Crossing include several steps to develop new variety.

1. Selection of healthy plant.

2. Emasculation:  It is the process removing anther from the flowers of the seed parent with the help of a forceps before anther dehiscence. For emasculation we should choose unopen flower (bud). During emasculation female part of flower should not get damage. The time of emasculation is 7AM to 11AM.

removing pollen grain

pollen grain

3. Bagging:  Bagging is necessary to prevent fertilization of seed plants from external agents like bee,                         wind etc.


4.Dusting pollen on stigma: This process is perform next day of emasculation. Time is 7AM to11AM.

5.Rebagging:  Purpose of rebagging is same as bagging. It is done till the seed is fully mature.


6.Tagging: Tagging is associated with relevant information such as posture date, pollination date, male and female parent details, etc. This is known as tagging.


  Mango Scientific name:- Mangifera indica Family                  : Anacardiaceae Top mango producing country in the world.  India is lea...