Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Beneficial insects in paddy


See how insect are destroying your paddy 

field .

   Read this blog and get idea to protect your field.

Let's know about some of friendly insects in paddy. 

  1. Spider
  2. Flies
  3. Wasp
  4. Dragonflies
  5. Lady beetle
  6. Plant bug
  7. Frog
  8. Water bug
  9. Small fish
  10. Beetle  
  • Wolf spider feed on leafhoppers. 
                              Figure :1

                     Figure : 2
In figure number 2 we can see clearly that spider is feeding on insect.
  • The adult and larvae of ladybird beetles feed on eggs, nymph, and adult of rice green leaf hoppers.

  • Small fish present in paddy field feed on weed grown in paddy field and egg present in water.     
Companion or friend  of paddy plant.

  1. Marigold
  2. Green gram
  3. Keshari 
  4. Merriam white, Aglnnovators(Australian oil seed)
  5. Sesames
  6. Sunflower

In most of place people plant marigold on the bunds of paddy field. These marigold bloom at the time of paddy bloom season. Most of pollinating agent like wasp, bee 🐝 are attracted towards attractive colour of marigold flower and their activities help in pollination of rice although we know rice is self pollinated crops but also upto some extent pollinating agent helps in the rice pollination. 
       Some harmful insects stay away from field because of smell of marigold. Some predators are attracted to the field due to flower which is good for paddy fields.

Pulses crop  and oil producing crops
Mostly people plant these crops on the bund of field to gain more profit by utilizing small free space, some follow this way of farming to protect their main crops from domestic animals. These companion crops help in nitrogen fixation from atmosphere and this nitrogen are utilized by our paddy crops. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Tips to bring improvement in your self

 I have brought 6 point to make your life happy and healthy.lets have a look on those points. 

1. Your daily routine makes your life.

2. Peace and happiness 💕💕 🤣 is always found within your life.

3. Do not feel depressed 😂 by others view on your failure today 🤣.

4. Nobody is born to fulfill your expectations.

5. Do not show case your problem on social media.

6. Never take shortcut to popularity and wealth.

1. Your daily routine makes your life.

      Do not overwin  by doing everything in a day. Little step everyday will ultimately give a long term results. If you do anything with constantly increase it little by everyday. It will give a compound results within some time without extra pain, tourcher and discomfort.

2. Peace and happiness 💕💕 🤣 is always found within your life.

       Do not waste your time finding it outside. Oxygenate yourself. Swim, dance, sing, play do anything but do care of chemical within yourself. These chemicals within you will make you happy not the hustle of outer world.

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3. Do not feel depressed 😂 by others view on your failure today 🤣.

          Great things take time.

For example: Bamboo take more time to flower but once it raises no flower can reach it. So have patience and just do your stuff do not care people say.

4. Nobody is born to fulfill your expectations.

         People are with you untill their greed is fulfilled

Feeling sad pointing ☝️ others in this world is just like  jumping into river and complaining getting wet.

5. Do not show case your problem on social media.

        80/age people do not understand or care your problem, 20/age who understand are happy thinking that not only them but you also are having problems. Do not boast and sponsor  hatered through your post. Genuine and worthy people start ignoring you as soon as they see your immature and cheap contents.  Try to act like good and genuine person with world and respected people individually will not work real face is already shown by your cheap posts.

6. Never take shortcut to popularity and wealth.

     Making  cringe video and sharing abusive content may make you viral and short term income but you loose your all the respect and dignity. Even porn star are very popular and get millions of views so what is the point ? It is not about how many people know you. Friends it is about how people know you. People respect you if you deserve it. There is no sense in demanding respect.

Viral people create nonsense

Worthy people create history 😊

Plz comment and let me know which point you like the most!!!!!


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